Konig Coffee & Bar
Kertajaya Indah Tengah G411A (Klampis)
Working Hour : 11.00-24.00
This day, 28 May 2016 me and my friends ( Merry and Novi ) went to Konig Cafe, one of cafe in east Surabaya.
(sesi bahasa Indonesia) wkwkwk
Kamis, 28 mei aku, merry, sama novi, pergi ke cafe. Awalnya niat nya mau belajar, emang belajar beneran sih akhirnya meskipun lebih banyak cerita nya aja + gosip-gosip gak jelas, biasalah ya kehidupan cewek...
kita bertiga adalah mahasiswi Ubaya a.k.a Universitas Surabaya, mereka berdua (Mer and Nop) adalah anak akuntansi, sedangkan saya adalah anak Manajemen Keuangan (gak ada yang tanya) wkwkwk
okee.. di konig kita pesan :
Fanny : Marinara Seafood dan Taro Blended
Merry : Pier 39 Sandwich dan Red Velvet Blended
Novi : Sunny Side Up dan Iced Caramel Latte
inilah beberapa gambar pesanan kita :
okee.. di konig kita pesan :
Fanny : Marinara Seafood dan Taro Blended
Merry : Pier 39 Sandwich dan Red Velvet Blended
Novi : Sunny Side Up dan Iced Caramel Latte
inilah beberapa gambar pesanan kita :
Taro : Favorite taro i ever drink (must try)
IDR 35 k
Red Velvet : this is the good one too
IDR 35 k
Iced Caramel Latte : i don't really like coffee, so i'm not really interesting (but Novi like it)
IDR 32 k
Sorry for bad photo i took, because me not a good foodgrapher, i just ameteur
that is Sunny SIde up, with telor ceplok on the top hahaha
this is really fatty, because Sunny Side Up cook with butter
IDR 35 K
Pier 39 Sandwich
i don't like, i think this is not worth it for the price
not really yums, i recomend you if you went to confit don't order this sandwich
i more like communal sandwich more than this (merry agree with my argument and like communal sandwich too)
This is Marina Seafood
IDR 40 k
not really like